Fertility Clock Headlines, Fertility Headlines

Sperm Meets Egg: Protein Essential for Fertilization Discovered

Researchers at the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute have discovered interacting proteins on the surface of the sperm and the egg essential to begin mammalian life. These proteins, which allow the sperm and egg to recognize one another, offer new paths towards improved fertility treatments and the development of new contraceptives.

Fertility Clock Headlines, Fertility Headlines

Weight Loss to Improve Fertility Outcomes: How Far Should We Go?

Obesity is now a pandemic and undoubtedly the greatest burden facing health services worldwide. Twenty percent of women of childbearing age are thought to be obese. It is well-established that, in women, obesity is associated with reduced rates of ovulation, increased miscarriage rates and poor response to ovarian stimulation during assisted conception. Male fertility also appears to be similarly adversely affected with evidence of a reduced ejaculate volume, reduced sperm count and increased sperm DNA damage in obese men.