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Why I Had an Abortion After Struggling With Infertility for Years

Minnesota lawyer Hannah Stein had her first abortion at 22 and went on to conceive four more children, three of them through in vitro fertilization (IVF). Yet when faced with an unplanned, unwanted pregnancy after years of infertility, Stein didn’t hesitate to terminate. Stein spoke to Cosmopolitan.com about how struggling with infertility didn’t sway her in her inherent belief that a person should be able to choose if she wants to end a pregnancy.

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Women with Lupus and APS at Risk of Reduced Fertility and Pregnancy Complication

New recommendations by EULAR for women’s health and pregnancy in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) and/or antiphospholipid syndrome (APS) were presented today at the European League Against Rheumatism Annual Congress (EULAR 2015). Developed by expert consensus, these evidence-based recommendations provide crucial guidance to support family planning, assisted reproduction, pregnancy and the menopause in these patients.

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The Promise of Extending IUD Access to All Women Pacific Standard

Half of all pregnancies in the United States are unintended. What would happen to this number if most American women had access to a form of birth control that was over 99 percent effective? From 2007-11, researchers at Washington University in St. Louis embarked on a groundbreaking study, the Contraceptive CHOICE project. The study’s goal was to examine what would happen to unintended pregnancy rates in the St. Louis area if clinical providers educated women about all of their birth control options, and offered such options for free.

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An App for Hacking Fertility Now Also Works for Men

In our culture, reproduction is often seen as women’s work. From pregnancy to childbirth through nursing a newborn child, women are often expected to take the central role in creating new life by default. Similarly, when problems of infertility arise, the focus is often slanted toward females.

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Infertility: Causes, Remedies and Options

Baby-making seems easy. There is a lot of education, even anxiety, around preventing unwanted pregnancy once we become sexually active. But many couples dealing with infertility would dispute the notion that getting pregnant is as simple as shelving birth control. Dr. Jamie Grifo, program director for NYU’s Fertility Center, sees struggling couples in his clinic every day.

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Pregnant at 65: Miracle of Medicine

The German primary school teacher is said to be in her 21st week of pregnancy and feeling “fit.” If her pregnancy progresses well, as hoped, Ms Raunigk will be the oldest to give birth to quadruplets, but not the oldest mum to give birth to a child – that official record is held by Maria del Carmen Bousada Lara, who give birth to twins in Spain in 2006, at the age of 66, although some say it belongs to Omkari Panwar, who is believed to have been 70 when she gave birth to twins in India in 2008.