Johnston and her husband Joby tried fertility treatments, including in vitro fertilization twice. Still, after years of trying, the loving, young couple was childless. Annie hadn’t even had one positive pregnancy test in all the years she had been trying to conceive. …Annie didn’t have the baby she had hoped for, but she did have an older sister to turn to who had watched Annie struggle through infertility.
Tag: fertility
Secondary Infertility: I Have One Child. Why Can’t I Get Pregnant Again?
Rates of secondary infertility are difficult to pin down, because couples often feel guilty seeking treatment when they already have a child, or they are told that their previous fertility proves that nothing is wrong.
What Affects Your Fertility?
Infertility is when a couple cannot conceive despite having regular unprotected sex. It can be caused by a range of disorders and lifestyle factors. However, fertility problems cannot be explained in around a third of cases.
Study: Diet One Reason Fertility in Men Shows Dramatic Decrease
A new study reveals fertility in men has decreased by about 30 percent over the past two decades.
Fertility Crisis? Scientists Debate Possible Decline in Male Sperm Counts
Are today’s young men less fertile than their fathers were? It’s a controversy in the fertility field, with some experts raising the alarm over what some are calling a “sperm crisis” because they believe men’s sperm counts have been decreasing for a decade or more.
Hormone Test Shows Fertility Potential
The anti-Müllerian hormone (AMH) is a substance produced by egg sacs in the ovaries, and a growing body of research suggests the level of the hormone is an indicator of fertility potential. Because egg supply, also known as ovarian reserve, is linked to chances of pregnancy, fertility doctors increasingly are using the AMH test to help determine treatment of fertility problems or help women plan pregnancy.
Room for Debate: Should Women Delay Motherhood?
The decline in fertility for women over the course of the 30s has been exaggerated, according to a recent Atlantic magazine article. Meanwhile, delayed motherhood seems to be a growing trend. What are the pros and cons of having children at a later age?
Children Born After Assisted Reproduction at No Greater Risk for Cancer, Study Finds
Children born as a result of assisted reproduction (ART) are at no greater risk of cancer than children born spontaneously in the general population, according to results of one of the largest ever cohort studies of ART children. “This is reassuring news for couples considering assisted conception, their subsequent children, fertility specialists and for the wider public health,” said the investigators.
Multiple Babies with IVF May Up Breast Ca Risk
Breast cancer risk is modestly higher for women with twins, triplets, or more via in vitro fertilization (IVF), a population-based study showed, although it also suggested the fertility treatment may not be at fault.
North Dakota Earns C in Group’s Ranking of Fertility Friendliness
When Suzy Alberts and her husband, Kristopher, decided to pursue fertility treatments, they discovered their insurance wouldn’t cover the costs.This lack of insurance mandate, as well as recent proposed legislation, counted against North Dakota on a “fertility friendliness” scorecard recently issued by Resolve, a national association that promotes reproductive health and equal access to family-building options for men and women experiencing infertility.