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Researchers Find Protein Necessary For Fertility Performs Different Roles in Sperm, Eggs

The protein necessary for fertility in both sexes performs distinctly different roles in male and female gametes, according to a groundbreaking study, which included researchers from the University of Georgia College of Veterinary Medicine. Known as BRWD1, the protein controls gene expression in maturing sperm while promoting chromosome condensation and stability in female cells called oocytes, which become eggs.

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Politics and Women’s Fertility

We are used to public discussions about contraception and abortion; in those areas, there are strong opinions and often vehement disagreement about women’s decisions. There is, however, much less information and discussion in the public square about declining fertility; in fact, there is appalling ignorance about women’s “window of fertility.”

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Couples Give Up Frozen Embryos For ‘Adoption’

They weren’t comfortable donating their embryos for scientific research or destroying them; they believe life begins at conception. So the Hendersons legally signed them over to Dan and Kelli Gassman of Salem, Ore. — another Christian couple a lot like them who still struggled with fertility problems.