Fertility Clock Headlines, Fertility Headlines

OTC Morning-After Pill Sales Coming, But Not Yet

Don’t look for the morning-after pill to move next to the condoms on drugstore shelves right away – but after a decade-plus fight, it appears it really will happen. Backed into a corner by a series of court rulings, the Obama administration has agreed to let the Plan B One-Step brand of emergency contraception sell over the counter to anyone of any age.

Fertility Clock Headlines, Fertility Headlines

Only Place Contraception is Controversial is Politics

On June 7, 1965, in Griswold v. Connecticut, the Supreme Court legalized contraception (for married people, at least) and held that women and men have the right to privacy in making decisions about their sexual health. The case recognized, in law, the principle that women and men — not government — should decide when and how to plan their families, and paved the way for programs and policies that help women make health care decisions that affect their educational opportunities, their professional work, and their families.