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Understanding My Body
The Body
Ovulation is your most fertile time. However, there are many components that factor in to when you ovulate. Tracking your basal temperature or the LH surge in your urine and getting a better understanding of your menstrual cycle as well as ovulation timing can help to improve your chances of getting pregnant.
The Female Reproductive System
The Female Reproductive System is a series of complex functions. However, every woman is different so it is important for you to understand how your body functions.
The Menstrual Cycle
Not every woman has a 28 day cycle. Understanding how your cycle works will help you determine your most fertile days.
Tracking Most Fertile Time
Your basal body temperature is your temperature at rest, usually first thing in the morning. Charting this temperature can help you understand your ovulatory patterns.
Understanding Ovulation
A woman is born with all of the eggs she will ever have. Each month a woman who is ovulating normally will drop one egg, this process is called ovulation.
The Male Reproductive System
Although a man’s reproductive system is not driven by hormones like the woman’s, it is far more complicated then one might suspect.
Conception is a complicated process. It all comes down to one egg and one sperm.