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RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association to Observe National Infertility Awareness Week

RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association will recognize National Infertility Awareness Week®, April 24 through April 30, 2016. The movement brings together millions of women and men living with infertility, healthcare, mental health and adoption professionals, and lawmakers to raise awareness about the disease.

Fertility Clock Headlines, Fertility Headlines

A Puzzling Order in a U.S. Supreme Court Case on Obamacare

Something strange is afoot at the U.S. Supreme Court. The justices issued a highly unusual order Tuesday for the parties in Zubik v. Burwell, one of this term’s most-watched cases. Here’s the abridged version of the dispute: The Affordable Care Act’s regulations require virtually all employers to provide health insurance to their employees. They also require health-insurance companies to include contraceptive coverage for women in their plans at no additional cost. Religious nonprofits that object to contraception may file a one-page form with the federal government, at which point the insurance company will directly provide the coverage to their employees without further involvement from the nonprofit.