Websites and apps that promise to calculate a woman’s most fertile days may often be off base, a new study suggests.
Category: Fertility Headlines
How to Have a Baby: Fertility Clinic Founders Share 5 Dos and Don’ts
Women can spend years avoiding getting pregnant. Then when they’re ready to have kids, one in six Canadian couples can’t conceive.
1 in 7: Infertility a Harsh Reality for Many Couples
Infertility. It’s a common problem that impacts one in seven couples in the United States. Infertility is defined as “a couple trying to get pregnant for a year and not being successful,” according to Dr. George Hill with the Nashville Fertility Center.
Struggling with Male Infertility, A New Dad Recounts his Experience
It’s what many married couples strive for, the idea of having a family.For one Midlands man his dream of becoming a father turned to a nightmare.But with a little help now he and his wife can hold on to their miracle.
The Never-ending Saga of the Obamacare Contraception Mandate
The long saga of the Affordable Care Act’s contraception mandate — which requires that contraception be covered as part of private health plans — took another turn at the Supreme Court today. And the Court — which, don’t forget, is still divided 4-4 between liberals and conservatives — sent it back down to the appeals courts, essentially telling them to find a solution to this problem that the religiously-affiliated organizations in this case will find acceptable, practically begging them to be reasonable while doing everything it can to make sure their tender feelings aren’t hurt.
New Test for Fertility Prospects
New test for fertility prospects getting the facts before getting pregnant
Embryo Protein May Warn Before Miscarriage and Pre-eclampsia
Scientists have uncovered how embryos stick to the uterus in the first week of life. The discovery might one day help improve treatments for recurrent miscarriages and pre-eclampsia, a life-threatening elevation of maternal blood pressure.
IVF Treatments Drop Dramatically Since Quebec Funding Cut 6 Months Ago
After six failed attempts to get pregnant using artificial insemination, Léa’s doctor said her chances of conceiving without in-vitro fertilization are zero. But since last fall, the Quebec government no longer pays for the full cost of the procedure, leaving Léa and her boyfriend scrambling to find the money.
Allergic to Sperm – When Sex Becomes Dangerous
If an allergic reaction to a partner’s sperm sounds bad, know that men can even become allergic to their own ejaculate. Luckily, those afflicted still have reason to hope for a decent sex life.
Level of Hormone Can Predict Bone Loss in Menopause, Study Says
Lower levels of a hormone produced by the ovaries is associated with a woman’s risk for bone loss during menopause, according to a recent study. Researchers at the University of California Los Angeles found testing levels of anti-mullerian hormone in women who are pre- or early-menopausal shows their likely rate for bone loss, suggesting early intervention may be possible to slow or prevent the condition.