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Decoy Eggs Used to Provide Birth Control for Mice

Scientists have created a novel method of contraception, using polymer beads coated in a special protein as “decoy” eggs in mice. In experiments described in Science Translational Medicine, researchers deposited the beads in the uteruses of mice. When the mice mated, sperm cells bound themselves to the fake eggs, preventing the real eggs from being fertilized. The scientists from the National Institutes of Health say it’s extremely unlikely the beads would be used in their current form as human contraception, but that they do show promise as a better way to select sperm for use in fertility treatments.

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When You ‘Come Out’ About Infertility

Last year, seven months after the birth of the daughter we fought for, cried for, prayed for, I decided to open up and share my story. For years, we had hidden our infertility struggle, only letting my parents and sister, my best friend and a few of our closest friends know the journey we were on. I wrote a CNN iReport in honor of Infertility Awareness Week, hoping to inspire others and let other women know that they weren’t alone. I “came out.”

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Dead Man’s Sperm

The patient is dead. He has, in fact, been so for a while—over 30 hours, according to his chart—but some of him survives. What the doctor has extracted is a liquid that can create life. An incredible substance that is neither person nor property; simultaneously so abundant yet valuable that we still haven’t quite figured out how to treat it. It is the dead man’s sperm.

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Inside the Hidden Global Supply Chain for Frozen Sperm, Eggs, and Embryos

In a world with porous borders and wildly divergent surrogacy laws, making a baby can be a global affair: The eggs might come from a woman in South Africa, the sperm from a man in Canada, and the surrogate herself might be in Cambodia. What connects them, literally, is a cold chain.

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11 Things You Should Know if You’re Considering Freezing Your Eggs

Freezing your eggs used to be an out-there procedure deemed “experimental” because of its iffy odds. But thanks to better success rates—and major media buzz from celebrities like Olivia Munn, Maria Menounos, and Jennifer Love Hewitt—it’s become an empowering way to buy time to have a baby on your own terms. More fertility clinics are offering it, and tech giants like Google and Facebook are covering it in their benefits packages.