The European Court of Justice (CJEU) has cleared the way for the patenting of human parthenotes for industrial and commercial purposes, clarifying the definition of ‘human embryo’ excluded from patentability in European Law.
Month: January 2015
Modifying Gene May Be Solution to Female Infertility, Study Finds
Stress has been known to prevent fertility and cause miscarriages, but scientists have now shown that knocking down a single gene may be able to offset these effects.
Surrogate Mothers Do Fine in Decade Following Birth
A decade after giving birth, surrogate mothers don’t appear to suffer lasting mental health difficulties as a result of giving away the babies they delivered, a small study suggests.
What Kind of Contraception Did Anna Buy Mary on ‘Downton Abbey’? Here’s a Little Birth Control History For Your Brain
What protection was available for women and men in the 20th century?
What to Do When Your Birth Control Fails
Worst-case birth control scenarios can extend far beyond a broken condom or missed birth control pill. Even with careful usage, women occasionally run into contraceptive snafus that are briefly mentioned – but not fully explained – in the instruction manual’s fine print. Here are a variety of situations and solutions for questions you might have but didn’t think to ask your gynecologist during your last visit.
Almost 1 in 5 Hysterectomies Are ‘Unnecessary’ Study Finds
In the US, hysterectomy is the second most commonly performed surgery among women after cesarean section; around 1 in 3 will undergo the procedure by the age of 60. But according to a new study, 1 in 5 women in the US may not need to.
Depo-Provera May Hike HIV Risk in Women
Increased rates of HIV infection were seen among women using depot medroxyprogesterone acetate (Depo-Provera or DMPA), whereas other methods of contraception including oral contraceptive pills or norethisterone enanthate (Net-En, an injectable progestin steroid) did not, according to a new meta-analysis.
Couples Give Up Frozen Embryos For ‘Adoption’
They weren’t comfortable donating their embryos for scientific research or destroying them; they believe life begins at conception. So the Hendersons legally signed them over to Dan and Kelli Gassman of Salem, Ore. — another Christian couple a lot like them who still struggled with fertility problems.
1 in 5 Men Can’t Access Emergency Contraception at Pharmacies
A “mystery shopper” survey conducted in New York City showed that 20% of
men might not be able to buy emergency contraception (EC) at their
local pharmacies. According to the study, which was published in
Contraception, almost 75% of the pharmacies involved in the research
created barriers for the men to obtain EC, as well.
How to Talk to Your Doctor About Menopause
No one wants to talk about menopause. But let’s face it—if you’re suffering, it’s time to speak up.