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Mice Evolve Better, Not Bigger, Balls in Sperm Race

Size isn’t everything. For decades, we’ve known that bigger balls are a sign that there is strong sperm competition between males. But now a laboratory experiment has shown that when many male mice mate with the same females, their descendants can quickly evolve testes that can produce more sperm even though they’re not any larger.

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Microchip And Male Birth Control — Here’s The Exciting Future Of Contraception

Ladies, our days of setting an alarm so we remember to take our trusty little pill may soon be over. We previously introduced you to Vasalgel — a form of male birth control that blocks sperm from travelling through guys’ tubes — which is expected to hit the market later this year. Turns out Vasalgel might just be the first of several revolutionary contraceptives on the way.

Fertility Clock Headlines, Fertility Headlines

New Drug Compounds Show Promise Against Endometriosis

Two new drug compounds – one of which has already proven useful in a mouse model of multiple sclerosis – appear to be effective in treating endometriosis, a disorder that, like MS, is driven by estrogen and inflammation, scientists report in Science Translational Medicine.

Fertility Clock Headlines, Fertility Headlines

Politics and Women’s Fertility

We are used to public discussions about contraception and abortion; in those areas, there are strong opinions and often vehement disagreement about women’s decisions. There is, however, much less information and discussion in the public square about declining fertility; in fact, there is appalling ignorance about women’s “window of fertility.”