The most common and successful option for a woman with cancer is freezing an egg or embryo before undergoing chemotherapy or radiation. Once the patient decides she is ready to get pregnant, she is given estrogen and progesterone to prepare the lining of the uterus. The embryo is then thawed (or the egg is inseminated) and transferred into the uterus. Success rates specifically for cancer patients have not yet been studied. But in vitro fertilization (IVF) rates are around 50 percent for women younger than 35.
Month: August 2013
Infertility Affects Women’s Lives Differently Based on Social Class
For women, finding out that they are unable to have children means something different depending on their social class, recent research suggests.
Personality Traits are Indicators of Fertility: Study
Extrovert people tend to be more fertile, a latest Norwegian study reveals.
How Eating Raspberries Could Increase Your Chances of Becoming a Father
They contain high levels of Vitamin C, a key nutrient in male fertility, and magnesium, which is involved in the production of testosterone.
Test-Tube Babies: A Simpler, Cheaper Technique?
Since the first test-tube baby was born more than three decades ago, in vitro fertilization has evolved into a highly sophisticated lab procedure. Now, scientists are going back to basics and testing a simpler and cheaper method.
ObamaCare Birth Control Mandate on Fast Track to Supreme Court
ObamaCare’s birth control mandate is putting the president’s signature legislative issue on a fast track back to the Supreme Court.
Assisted Conception Rate Worries Scientist
The high number of families resorting to assisted conception is likely to cause problems for future generations, says NSW Scientist of the Year Professor John Aitken.
Beauty Contest for Embryos Goes Hollywood to Boost Births
Nikica Zaninovic used to take embryos out of an incubator each day and photograph them under a microscope to determine which were most likely to produce a baby. He’d inspect the number of cells, the extent to which they’d fragmented, the shell’s thickness and any defects.
Stem Cells: Egg Engineers
In a technical tour de force, Japanese researchers created eggs and sperm in the laboratory. Now, scientists have to determine how to use those cells safely — and ethically.
New Study Suggests Timing Meals Helps Reduce Chances of Infertility
You are what you eat, and when you eat it. A recent study at Tel Aviv University has shown that infertility caused by Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (CPOS) could be prevented by adjusting meal times, with larger meals early in the day and small meals in the evening.