Fertility Clock Headlines, Fertility Headlines

Dad’s Stress Changes His Sperm: Brain Development of Future Children Affected

Is Dad stressed? It may not be a good thing for your future children. It turns out that sperm is affected by stress, whether experienced as a preadolescent or adult, and could give any sons or daughters a blunted reaction to stress–a response is associated with several mental disorders.

Fertility Clock Headlines, Fertility Headlines

OTC Morning-After Pill Sales Coming, But Not Yet

Don’t look for the morning-after pill to move next to the condoms on drugstore shelves right away – but after a decade-plus fight, it appears it really will happen. Backed into a corner by a series of court rulings, the Obama administration has agreed to let the Plan B One-Step brand of emergency contraception sell over the counter to anyone of any age.

Fertility Clock Headlines, Fertility Headlines

Discovery Sheds New Light on Causes of Debilitating Diseases and Birth Defects

Danish researchers have just published findings that explain a previously unknown mechanism used by cells to communicate with one another. The research significantly contributes to understanding why some children are born with malformations and why children and adults may develop life-threatening diseases.